




「預設投資策略」有兩隻新成份基金,就是「核心累積基金」「65 歲後基金」


「核心累積基金」基本上等於增長型混合資產基金,股債比例為60% :40%,以環球股票基金為主;而「65 歲後基金」基本上等於穩定型混合資產基金,股債比例為20% :80%,以環球債券基金為主。實際投資內容會視乎各個強積金計劃於2017年4月1日推行的情況,這兩隻新成份基金的收費都是規定低於0.95%,比現時所有計劃內超過9成的股債混合資產基金的收費都要低。


如果計劃成員執行「預設投資策略」,強積金計劃會自動按計劃成員的年齡分配投資於「核心累積基金」及「65 歲後基金」的比例。計劃成員的年齡是50 歲或之前的,會按100%「核心累積基金」及0%「65 歲後基金」分配,整體資產的股債比例為60% :40%;50 歲之後,便以直線增減方式,由50 歲時核心基金100% :65歲基金0%,漸漸轉到65 歲時核心基金0% :65歲基金100%,股債比例為20% :80%。







對於計劃營辦人、受託人、投資經理的影響,肯定是收入減少。兩隻新成份基金收費低於0.95%,其他相同類型的混合資產基金都要跟隨。以往收費高昂的「目標年期」基金,基本上可以摺埋取消。原先沒有與「核心累積基金」及「65 歲後基金」一樣的混合資產基金的計劃,要新加兩隻基金,又要按計劃成員的年齡調整投資分配,行政費用肯定增加。


對基金公司的影響是正面的,尤其會有更多基金公司推出低收費的股票及債券基金,並將這些基金成為「核准緊貼指數集體投資計劃」,讓不同強積金計劃內的「核心累積基金」及「65 歲後基金」,按資產比例外判給這些低收費的基金。(見此


對計劃成員而言,懶的成員肯定繼續懶不懶的成員亦會開始懶。50歲前的「預設投資策略」是全部持有「核心累積基金」,「核心累積基金」的60% :40%股債比例,年均回報應該會有3.5%至4.0%(見《積金大反撃》第34頁),加上「預設投資策略」0.95%的收費,比起一般1.3%的基金收費為低,令「預設投資策略」會有0.3%的回報增加;此外,假如有「再配置」的自動執行,又可以加上0.2%左右的回報。所以,綜合計算之下,50 歲前的「預設投資策略」,應該會有4.0%至4.5%的年均回報,比起以往整體強積金的3.1%回報為高,所以不懶的人都會轉用「預設投資策略」,以提升回報。






「預設投資策略」內的「核心累積基金」及「65 歲後基金」,由於其低收費的本質,很適合納入於強積金7招之中運用,詳細操作要有待2017年4月1日實際推出後,再作研究。



  1. This is useful because I am considering to use the DIS fund even though I am not a person who has never given any instruction about my mpf. The lid on FER is an attractive feature.
    However, I have a question.
    If a mutual fund company runs both the normal constituent fund and this DIS fund, since the DIS fund has much lower fee, will it be possible for the fund company to switch the not-so-good-performing assets into the DIS fund? After all, the mutual fund has to “sell” their CF with a competitive performance whereas the target audience of the DIS fund are those who pay little attention to the mpf. So, whether the DIS fund performs well will attract little complaint.
    Does MPFA have any way to monitor this kind of act?
    In essence, will it be possible that the performance of a normal CF be better than a DIS fund (of course, we are talking of a comparison of same kind of fund)? So, even if the FER of DIS fund is lower than the normal CF, the return of a DIS fund is not as good as a normal CF?
    [I have this question because I am bewildered why some non-mpf funds are better performing than the MPF funds (when they belong to the same mutual fund company).]

    1. 你好,很高興有此高質素交流,引發起有一些看法,由於需要少少時間作資料搜集及分析,回覆會於星期五另外用一新交流文章,以便集中討論一下mutual fund 與 MPF fund的異同。

      1. Thank you! This will be real helpful. I would be looking forward to this.
        I am interested with the lower FER of the DIS funds but have worries on the qualities of the underlying assets, which may impact the ultimate performance/return of the DIS fund.
        By understanding the differences of the mutual fund and MPF fund, it may help to answer my question above and clear my worries.
        Thanks again.

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